It has been a while since I have posted and I have not posted for the entirety of this sprint. However, I have been very busy and I have been using enumerators to create the mechanic for shapeshifting (Unreal Engine, 2021). The purpose of this was so that when the player presses buttons to change between different forms, a different skeletal mesh, set of animations and set of abilities come into play.
To learn about Enumerators, I used the following sources:
- Using Enumerators in Blueprints ( 2022.)
- What is an Enum / Enumerator and how do you use it? | Unreal Engine 5 (C:\Insert Name Here, 2021.)
- Unreal Engine 4 – Quick! How to: Use enums (Taylor, M., 2017.)
Rather than attempt to write down everything that I came up with in this process, I thought it would be better to demonstrate and talk through it in a video. So I have made this video below to explain how I used enumerators to create the shapeshifitng mechanic and to demonstrate it in practice.
C:\Insert Name Here, 2021. What is an Enum / Enumerator and how do you use it? | Unreal Engine 5. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 March 2022]. 2022. Using Enumerations in Blueprints. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 7 March 2022].
Taylor, M., 2017. Unreal Engine 4 – Quick! How to: Use enums. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 March 2022].
Unreal Engine. Epic Games.