I have been building the framework for my RPG in Unreal Engine (Unreal Engine, 2021) and I have used a tutorial to help me (Virtus, 2018).
This video displays the progress I have made so far.
So far I have implemented the following:
- Importing a model, as well as all its animations as a placeholder for the player character until I come to model the actual player chracter.
- Using the Blend space function to combine different animation sequences together based on distance and speed
- Using Animation Blueprints to establish a transition between different types of animations based on a set of conditions
- Using visual scripting to trigger spell casting and walking by pressing a certain key
- Using visual scripting to establish the system for gaining and losing health or shapeshifting energy, along with the speed at which it regenerates
- Building a very basic UI blueprint that includes a functioning health bar and SE bar, as well as the framework for boxes that display abilities and a memory (XP) bar.
- Beginning the creation of an enemy AI, complete with a destruct animation, but this is not functional yet.
Unreal Engine. Epic Games.
Virtus, 2018. Creating a Role Playing Game – Unreal Engine 4. Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0cLF8gjBpqA8DcrhL_O9kD4jsUqhDR6> [Accessed 16 February 2022].
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